Ellex Lasers
All of our Ellex Lasers are tested and refurbished by trained technicians. Ellex Super Q YAG
Ellex Ultra Q YAG
Ellex Tango SLT/YAG
Ellex Tango Reflex SLT/YAG for Vitreolysis
Ellex Ultra Q Reflex YAG for Vitreolysis
Ellex Solitaire 532 Laser with Haag Streit Style Slit Lamp Adapter
Ellex Solo SLT Laser.
We also specialize in other types of YAG and SLT Lasers from Zeiss, Nidek, Lumenis, Lightmed, and more.
Showing all 9 results
Ellex Integre 532 w Table
Category: 532 Green Lasers, EllexRead more -
Ellex Integre Duo 532/670 Laser
Category: 532/670 Laser, EllexRead more -
Ellex Solitaire 532 Laser
Category: 532 Green Lasers, EllexRead more -
Ellex Solitaire 532 Laser
Category: 532 Green Lasers, EllexRead more -
Ellex Solo SLT Laser
Category: Ellex, SLT LaserRead more -
Ellex Super Q YAG Laser
Category: Ellex, YAG LasersRead more -
Ellex Tango SLT/YAG Laser
Category: Ellex, SLT Laser, SLT/YAG Laser, YAG LasersRead more -
Ellex Ultra Q REFLEX YAG Laser
Category: Ellex, YAG LasersRead more -
Ellex Ultra Q YAG Laser
Category: Ellex, YAG LasersRead more